Tuesday, 27 February 2007

nakata in milan ..and WHOEVER next to him :p

of course it is absolutely necessary to text me at 5 bloody a.m. to mms me this..

but cute nya my Hide. hes so damn HOT...



Anonymous said...


he is sooooooooo damn hot, seriously!

patience is a virtue...sabar k...on the other hand u can always hate amri!

suka la the shades! just like mine!


i know how u feel babe!

take it easy...


Firdaus said...

dats not the real nakata la...
its the madame tussaud's wax statute in milan...

gravtkills said...

just photoshop yrself into that picture and its all good

jumpingondbandwagon said...

WUTEVA tu mcm kam madam tussaux jer( how to spell i dont know)
HB menipuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

chocpot said...

pretty anon..
dowan lah hate HB.. am still waitin for the mcqueen jeans.. HB!!! where laaa? :p

if that were me next to nakata i wont be so faaaar away from him.. hehe

i tak reti laa.. ajar?

hehe.. u shud see all the bags he bought. kill me pls..

me love u long time. i get the first right of refusal for everything ok??? heh :*

chocpot said...

OMFG.. HB?? Explanation pls. If true ure very the dengs wan..

chocpot said...

icks.. choonism very the drama provoker :p

eh how u know which hand he uses to jerk off? hehe..
