Friday, 23 February 2007 (pronunciation: hair-kOOOnst.. heh)

Hehe.. A bit of promotion here to support some friends. Muaks!

Are you in need of anything related to hair? Cut/perm/rebond/colour/wash/repair/setting. Check this out:

It is recently opened; located at the Curve, Mutiara Damansara open everyday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. (except tomorrow). You will be in very good hands :) Stylists are professionally trained all over the world. Price-wise it exercises flat pricing i.e. same price whatever the length of your hair or gender.

I'm attending the official launch tomorrow *bwahahahahaaaaa*

post script 26022007: Oops. That was the soft launch.. Sorry MBA & Bbg.. heh

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