Tuesday, 8 August 2006


He came up to us. Bizarre. He greeted SNB and they shook hands. They exchanged pleasantries. He then said hi to me and extended his hand. Dumbfounded, I stared at it. After all, which part of I refuse to have anything to do with him didn’t he comprehend?

What do I want to do with this extended hand? Do I make a scene? Walk away? Chop it off?

After a few seconds of deliberations, I quietly shook it. He held it for a tad bit longer and squeezed it.

For a moment I was mystified. What was that all about?

An Offside. That's what it was.

p/s: SNB, you owe me a Geordie match trip! Woohoo!!!


Anonymous said...


potong aje tangan tuh, tak reti simpan dalam poket ker??? tak kosyer!

on geordie match-
I wana follow wana follow!!!


Anonymous said...

question i have, who da hell is SNB?!! I think better u chop his head off, tht way he wldnt have came over in the first place ;P

in this case, the important thing is not that moment itself but how you came out from it..seems like ur fine & dandy :) ur one hell of a strong chocpot. u can be a fine example that there's light at the end of the tunnel..

luv ya chocs!

-gotnoblog :P-

gravtkills said...

luckily he didnt hv those fart buttons in his palm that Leslie Nielsen loves to carry

chocpot said...

pretty anon
ehh.. u kan *fake* liverpool fan.. where can??? hehe..

SNB is this annoyin weird freako i hang wit, a good friend nonetheless :)

gravitus killus
aaaah.. thats the one u want for ur birthday kan :p

Anonymous said...

Misssss teapot,

am a real liverpool fan kay!!!


chocpot said...

pretty anon
ok, name me the current squad then..