Monday, 23 June 2008

The One

It will be easier to climb steps now. Apparently.

There I go again, attempting to brainwash myself. I am in no mood to feed a non-existent curiosity.

The days fluctuate – sometimes smooth sailing, the others, minor shrug-offs are involved. But today. Today involves a very strong urge to light up. To the extent I was visually playing in my head what brand (Dunhill) and why (coz I hate it), who I am going to ask from (HJ), where I am going to light up (8th floor stairwell A) and what I am going to do while I smoke (look at the passing cars).

I have yet to.

They say it’s hard to stay a non-smoker once you have that one cig. The One that will make you turn around and metamorphose into a smoker, yet again. I’d be lying if I say that I don’t miss it, because being something so accessible for me for yonks, it qualifies as an almost actual company.

Pathetic? Realistic, really. Weak willpower? No question about that.

And what do I choose to do? I'm indulging my imagination by getting a post up about it. Not good.

Times like these put your “How Badly Do I Want To Quit” to the test.


Apparently exercise helps get your mind off it.

Siemens Run? Still no, babe.


MBA said...

I think he need to do some form of exerice for being helthier NOT for the sake of getting yr mind off ciggy!

It has been a year since i started my 1st Siemens. It could be yr 1st!

Unknown said...

Siemens??? errr! you can do it babe!

gravtkills said...

be strong!