Sunday, 28 October 2007

lost in translation

Text messages are fun but when you don’t understand what the other person is trying to say, it’s such a draaaag… Do I take up French or somehow diplomatically ask the person to improve his English??

Ran errands, skipped lunch and typhooned my way across town yesterday to be on time for my dental appointment, only to wait for a good 35 minutes prior to seeing her. On the up side, there are improvements. Her plans of uprighting my lower wisdom teeth are in play. When do I take them off? I don’t even bother asking anymore. I’m at a point where I’m close to kicking myself for even deciding to wear braces, and contemplating to sue her for perhaps some fragment of ill advice. Good things come to those who wait, they say. Whatever, I don’t buy it. Currently, all I know is they hurt like hell.

What are the odds of having a drink in Bangsar and a peddler comes up to your table bringing sexual organs of a tiger?
I thought it was some sort of stick. Hahahaa.. (no, I didn’t see the balls..) Why anyone would want to do anything with an animal’s copulating organ, whatever the belief is, beats me.

Oh. Zip it about footie.

1 comment:

chocpot said...

hello gymbunni, welcome.

yup, it sure was. when i found out what it was, it was a mixture of disbelief and insane humour :)