Monday, 24 September 2007

meet uncle hussain - lagu untukmu


Anonymous said...

Excellent local indie band..oh and by the way, Sophie Johari Evans is ultra hot!!! me like her very very much.. ;-)

Mr Bl0gsurf3r

chocpot said...

whois uncle hussain?? hehe

shes a nice girl too, not stuck up. but she's damn young!

Anonymous said...

uncle hussain who fondly call by the band members as pak alang hussain, is their fav warung kopi owner. They named their group sempena nama pak aji ni because he was the one who started the group way back in 60's. Sumthin tragic happened back then. One of the founding member was mysteriously found dead, naked in his reban ayam. The last i heard, NHK are in the midst of producing a documentary on this. Anyhow, the band was revived in early 2000. Dropping the alang part obviously to make it more cool n indie. K im bluffin u. i dont know who uncle hussain is actually. hehehehe. im starving! 3 more hrs to go for berbuka..

How do u know shes not that stuck up? Hmm. shes 18 and im not paedo. good to see new fresh face on tele.. :-)

Mr Bl0gsurf3r

chocpot said...

ish. what la u.. i was actually concentrating! up to the reban ayam bit.

we were in a thing together and else than a gargantuan age gap, she's ok :) havent seen the series tho, but i hear its really good.

Anonymous said...


LOL.. ;) Ok, U missed it i guess. It was shown last nite. Part 4 of 8. you can watch the previous episodes @ Chnnel8 website.:-) Frankly speaking kan, i pun baru first time tengok smlm!

How's things at St James' Park so far? :-)

Mr Bl0gsurf3r

chocpot said...


things at SJP are brilliant, but certain event at emirates SUCKS!

Pretty Over said...


the name of the group is scary enuff..

but the song mcm menakutkan jua!

nerbs la cerita mr blogsurfer!

chocpot said...

i dont think its scary. i love the sound of this song lots.. its on repeat day n night n i even try to high pitch kan my voice to sing it.. hehehe

u should also listen to la la la kerjalah by them, it'll surely put u off :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Pretty Zinta,

How are you doin.. ;-)

p/s:nerbs? apa tu? some sort of kutukan tersembunyi ke? Hehehe


Alah, its Carling Cup aje right? The least important cup around. :-)

Mr Bl0gsurf3r

Anonymous said...

Hey chocpot,

I came across this new local band..not really new but since u support local indie scene, checkout this band HUJAN..Tell me what you think ;-)

Mr Bl0gsurf3r

Anonymous said...

oh n happy eid mubarak to u and family..maaf zahir n batin.

Mr Bl0gsurf3r

chocpot said...

Mr Bl0gsurf3r

hujan? ok nanti i ARES. hehe

same raya wishes to you :)

chocpot said...

ive heard them, pagi yang gelap, kumau kau tahu n kuala lumpur. very very interesting indeed :)

thanks for sharing!

chocpot said...

oh. "u support local indie scene". err.. i just enjoy what i like hearing :)