Wednesday, 14 March 2007

social faux pas

There are a number of things that you can let hold you back, or you can persevere and move forward. It is a matter of choice; ideally made from considerations of pros and cons prior to reaching that decision. The choice is yours to make.

Having said that, in my eyes, if one focuses solely on one’s opinions and blindly practices I-know-ALL attitude, one’s purportedly ‘considered’ opinion would more often than not, be misguided. Especially when one’s opinion is coloured by one’s emotional turmoil, be it self-inflicted or otherwise.

There are some who are piously sure of one’s own righteousness and impose their own moral standards, only to baselessly claim full knowledge and proceeds to accuse another of bad intentions. Some create unpleasant situations for others, only to test the reaction it would produce. Then there are some who pass judgment and go to the extreme by labelling another, when in reality one never really bothered to know that person at all. Sometimes one ignores another’s gesture of concern; valid reason or not. Some are just too conceited to admit fault and blows everything out of proportion then conveniently adopts a comatose state.

We choose. We have to bear responsibility for our actions.

Everybody's path is their own. Each of us has our own hurdles to overcome.

I guess some people are just plain arrogant and me-me-me. As much as we want to paramount our own well-being, the blunt reality is we don’t live in solitary. It doesn’t hurt to put the effort to make it a peaceful one.


Anonymous said...

ayo....very serious topic today.

true our life our choice.

world peace!


Anonymous said...

I agree Chocpot...eee like Comot! Sometimes its better to say it out loud (well in yr blog at least) coz those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Fuckerooossss them.....